1. Our firm continually generates double digit safe returns to all of our clients (see table below).

  • Our clients earned 31% in 2018 and 37% in 2019. double digit returns in 2020.
  • One property currently on the market for sale will generate between 12% and 27% ROI to two of our investors.
  • We plan to start the rehab on another property in 3 rd quarter with a plan on selling it before the end of the year. Expected ROI 26% or higher.


2. No other bank, financial institution or investment firm will ever care protecting your hard-earned money as much as we do.


Our firm cares about protecting your investment as it was our own. Most deals we are executing with our joint venture partners are combination of our client’s capital along with ours.

Our money is on the line and at risk just as our clients with the same level or risk. On a personal note, many of you know that I have a financial background, owned a hedge fund therefore in position to calculate and compare risks of multiple investments which I fully understand. Prosper only invests in one of the safest investments out there which is also the reason why banks and insurance companies invest your money in Tax Liens and Tax Deeds earning them 18-36% return after you lock it into a CD or money market accounts while they are paying you lousy 1% to 2% return. Of course, the banks keep most of those earnings.

3. Our focus is on building our brand that we want it to be recognizable in four to five years from now.

The only way to be able to accomplish that is to be loyal to our clients, continue to over-deliver on all of our deals by finding the BEST investments we possibly can with lowest risk.

4. We put great energy and effort into our clients’ financial needs.

Our firm truly cares about our client’s success. We take time to learn about financial goals of each of our Investors. A tailored Investment Plan is created based on each client’s Investment Objectives that varies from client to client. At that point we will get to work to achieve such projected returns. We also advise our clients on setting up realistic financial goals and time frames and remind them about the power of compounded interest. We constantly search edge in the market also by finding other clever and strategic ways to increase the overall returns on all of our deals.

5. We assist and guides our clients to additional valuable and professional premium financial services our power team provides.

We are very good in protecting your money while earning you steady positing double digit returns with limited risk. There are however other very important areas entrepreneurs and investors need help with. I think most of us would agree that financial planning, taxes, proper legal structure and many other areas are crucial to success. Our attorneys, mentors and power team assist our clients to accomplish such tasks. We connect our clients to appropriate professionals after a consultation and learning about their specific needs.

6. We focus on smaller number of clients which allows us to laser focus on individual financial performance of each of our client.

We are not one of the Fortune 500 companies with hundreds of employees. However, we do continue to deliver high and safe returns to our clients. Perhaps higher returns many other investment firms deliver. Smaller number of clients allows us to laser focus on individual financial performance. We continue raising investment capital targeting celebrities, professional athletes and high net-worth individuals. After reaching our goal, We will not be accepting new investments for certain period. Why? Proper’s focus will remain on building wealth to our existing clients while focusing on protecting their investment.

7. We are constantly up to date and aware of other most attractive and safer investments out there our clients benefit from.

We spent good amount of money every year on continuous education. Despite our focus being on both Tax Liens and Tax Deeds, we continue searching and finding other safer lucrative and attractive investments outside of Tax Liens and Tax Deeds. For an example: Mortgage Notes are also a great investment we will start offering to our clients in a very near future. It is worth mentioning that we never offer any investment to any of our clients before investing our own money, testing and proving the market strategy. Mortgage notes generate very safe ROI of around 14% to 15% also guaranteed by real-estate.

Most if not all investments go through economic cycles. Our job and responsibilities are to recognize those cycles knowing how to shift from one investment into another during those economic changes. This is the reason our clients can expect to be earning double digit returns in both strong market condition and during the recession. We are prepared for another much anticipated correction that may be on its way.

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