Adding a Financial Education section to our website wasn’t panned, however, after realizing how much valuable information we have in our possession, we decided to share it with our visitors. Prosper continues to invest in education.

This allows us to be updated with recent changes of law, learning about other lucrative investments and most importantly being able to navigate throughout other investment vehicles during economic cycles. We try to write all articles and information in a simple and easily understandable language.

The ultimate goal of Financial Education section is to gain financial education and improve your financial IQ.

We are confident, that you will find this section very valuable and beneficial to you and your business.


Prosper 2000 makes all possible attempts to verify the accuracy of information we provide. We make no warranties to the accuracy and completeness of the content of this information. Neither the publisher nor the Prosper 2000 organization assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

We are not attorneys, accountants or legal advisors. This information is not attended for the use as a source of legal advice.

Everyone should make his own homework and consult with their attorneys and legal advisors.

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