Identity protection

It is important, perhaps more than ever today to properly protect your identity. Identity theft is on the rise and is a multi-billion dollars business. Many people get hurt badly every year. We have collected several tips that will help you minimize your risk of being exposed to people that try to steal your identity. You do not want to be careless with your information.



I personally know people whose identity have been stolen and I can tell you that it took most of those people several years of headache, frustration, and aggravation. Simple little things such as placing your credit card offers into a trash can or exposing your personal information on social media can easily compromise your personal information.

  • Never place credit card offers in a garbage can. Buy a decent shredder and keep shredding all the documents that have your name, address or any other personal information on it.
  • Always log out from your email, banking institutions or any other websites that have a secure login. If you do not log out properly, someone else may easily log back in as you.
  • Keep your Antivirus on all of your computers updated all the time.
  • No matter how good or bad your credit is, you will be receiving many credit card offers. Out-out of Pre Approved Credit offers (888) 5 OPT OUT. By doing so your name will be removed for 5 years.
  • Avoid giving out your SS # and your mother’s maiden name as much as you can. You can often avoid given it out if you simply ask for an alternative method.
  • File your tax returns as soon as possible. This will significantly lower the chances of your identity being stolen through IRS filings.
  • Only use First Initial and Last Name for billing and shipping information when purchasing online.

Simple little things of being extra cautions make a HUGE difference in protecting you and your family.

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